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A second meeting for solutions of problems faced by members in the registration process of the clini


A second meeting for solutions of problems faced by members in the registration process of the clini

Sat, Nov 30, 03:00 PM • Posted by: Admin

was done on 30 November 2024, between 3 pm to 5.30 pm.

A second meeting for solutions of problems faced by members in the registration process of the clinical establishment under CEAct, was done on 30 November 2024, between 3 pm to 5.30 pm.

CDHO Dr Anil Patel Sir gave solutions.

We had sorted out the problems and the solutions are as follows:

During the process of online (application form) submission you should take into consideration the following points:

1. If the page shows 'pending', it means that your application is already received and it is 'pending' for approval. The authorities will view applications and make decisions.

2. Technical errors like: 'Unable to register', 'The form is not going through', 'Difficuty in filling the form', 'The page is not moving' are conveyed to the authorities and they will check and rectify problems, if any; with the software. One may call the honorary secretary for guidance and problem solving.

3. In cases where there is no requirement of fire NOC, then a simple declaration on one's letter head should be uploaded. No need for any affidavit.

4. No separate registration is required if a new doctor or a new staff joins a clinical establishment. The editing would be allowed only after issuance of the registration.

5. Please keep checking your application page. You would be notified there only about approval for provisional registration.

6. If a clinical establishment is having a laboratory or a diagnostic centre under a different name then its registration is required separately.

7. In case of laboratories, registration number of laboratory technicians is not required.

8. For 'consultation rooms only' cases, where no bio medical waste is generated; one 'bio medical waste registration' is required. And its certificate should be uploaded.

9. Mobile Medical Van should also be registered under CEA.

10. Printing of the filled form is not possible at present and the authorities would look into it to solve this.

11. A list of equipment is only required. No photos required.

12. If you are not getting an appropriate payment amount, then you are probably applying in a different category. 

13. For separate branches, separate registration is required.

14. Five to 10 photographs of the clinical establishment must be uploaded.

In case of any query, please feel free to contact us.

Dr C.B. Patel, President.


Dr Hiren Vaidya, Honorary Secretary.


Team IMA Surat.